My favorite picture of Tazzie (8 yrs), Tara (15.5) Rayven 3.5 and Reaper (8 weeks)
4 Generations!!

January 18,  2025 Today is Talon and Tytus 3rd birthday!  Very happy with both these dogs; always eager to participate in anything!!

January 14, 2025 Wow another Elite Nosework trial for Mack; he has been so lucky in the lottery draw getting into Elite trials!  He now needs 26.73 points to finish his Elite 3 title but not a lot of Elite trials coming up :(

End of 2024!

December  28, 2024 Mack and I went to Salem, Oregon for an Elite Nosework trial.....despite it being HUGE search areas and very rainy weather Mack did well and found 15 out of 17 hides which gave him more points toward his Elite 3 title and he placed third in one of the searches and finished 8th out of 30 dogs.....Good Boy Mack!!!

December 21, 2024 Lana went to a Odor Recognition Test in Petaluma and passed Birch and Anise but alerted on the box next to Clove so still needs a trial to pass Clove before she can compete in NACSW Nosework trials.

December 15. 2024 WOW December has been busy for Oakleaf and one more trial last week of December for Mack!  Four Patterdales trialed at a NASDA trial....Talon finished her Urban Locating Master Championship title (20 trials passing a level 2 and 3 at the same trial counting as one pass), Mack completed his Lost Item 3 title, Tazzie completed her Urban Challenge Game 1 and Lana won most High in Trials for the day and completed her Lost Item 1 title; her Urban Challenge Game 3 and only needs 22 more points to finish her Urban Locating 2 title.....all dogs worked hard!!

December 10, 2024  Tazzie and I attended an Elite trial at the Stockton Children's Museum......Tazzie has not trialed in two years since she was busy raising puppies and despite it being a hard trial she got enough points to finish her Elite 1 title......good girl Tazzie!!

December 8, 2024 Talon and I trialed in Fillmore, CA. for her NACSW Nosework 3 trial and passed all 6 searches and placed 2nd out of 38 dogs.  Very proud of her and happy to move up to Elite trials.  She had to pass three Nosework 3 trials to move up and there is a lot of pressure at this level.  Very proud of her completing this!!

November 16, 2024  Mack and I attended a NACSW Elite trial in Nevada City which was difficult but we came home with points and he was 10th out of 30 dogs.....173 more points are needed of the 650 to qualify for Elite 3 which we are working on....

November 2 & 3, 2024 This was a LARGE UKC Extravaganza with Nosework, Elite Shed, Conformation and Dash.  Lana picked up two majors in conformation, Mack was only dog to participate in Nosework and finished his Novice Championship and picked up points in Advanced.  Pulled him Sunday because girls in heat was far more interesting to him and he could not do nosework.....girls could not participate but he knew what time it was!  Participated in Dash racing and dogs loved that!

October 27, 2024  Hosted a NASDA trial of the Urban Challenge games and Brace.....girls could participate at end with panties so they had fun and picked up more points.  Tara even ran one Brace 3 with Mack and got points......Tazzie ran the other two classes with Mack since hard for Tara to do two more runs.  Also got to run NASDA Den Hunt for the first time.

October 26, 2024 Hosted a AWTA trial and good turnout of dogs.....Lana and Talon came in heat yesterday so no playing for them.  Mack and Tazzie got to compete for points towards their second Advanced title.

September 29, 2024 Tazzie/Mack puppies are 1 year old......Happy Birthday Lana, Oden, Pickles, Dazzle and Haka!!

September 20 & 21, 2024 Talon and I flew to Washington to attend a Nosework 3 trial in No Bend, WA and then to White Salmon, WA on Sunday for a second trial.  She qualified for her second (of three needed to complete her Nosework 3 title).   

September 14, 2024 Mack and I attended an Elite nosework trial at Loma Mar and Mack got his Elite 2 proud of him.  He loves the game and works hard to be correct!

August 22, 2024 Finished the NASDA 6 week tournament with Common Scents Dog Sports and Talon finished with High in Trial....we got a awesome gift bag with LOTS of dog and human goodies

August 8 and August 15, 2024 Continued with NASDA Tournament with Common Scents Dog Sports....Talon completed her Urban Challenge #5, Lana completed her Urban Challenge #5 and Mack completed his Urban Challenge #4

July 25, 2024 Had another NASDA Urban League trial inside a building put on by Common Scents Dog Sports.   Talon, Tazzie and Lana competed in Urban Challenge Games 4,5 & evening and Tazzie was High in Trial!!

July 19, 2024 Talon and I flew to Wisconsin for a NACSW trial....had a great time and felt Talon did awesome but we did not title.  Only one dog out of 38 received 100 points.  I felt one mistake was mine as I should have searched a elevated hide a little longer and the second was odor traveling along a steel bed frame and she alerted about 18 inches from the exact odor but it was channeling....overall she was very honest.  Had fun visiting Mark and Irina of Red Star Kennel (who I got my first Presa from 25 years ago!!) and unfortunately my Delta flight cancelled on Monday and could not get home until Thursday!!

July 18, 2024 Had fun at the second NASDA trial put on by Common Scents Dog Sports, Talon again got a High in Trial and Lana and Talon completed their Urban Challenge 1 games and Mack and Tara completed their Urban Challenge 2 games.

July 11, 2024 Jayla and I had fun at the NASDA Trial put on by Common Scents Dog Sports inside a air conditioned building in Sacramento (which was awesome in view of the over 100 temperatures).  Talon picked up two more qualifying points toward her Urban Locating Master Champion and now has 13 of 20 needed.....looking forward to going next week as it is a 6 week tournament!  Talon also was High in Trial and earned a free entry in future trials!

June 29, 2024 Had a evening NASDA trial on my property and it started at done at 10 has been so hot that it was a little better in evening once sun went down!  Jayla and I worked 5 Patterdales and did 27 runs.....we were both VERY tired but happy the dogs did pretty good and Tara at 15.5 got two more times!

June 12-17, 2024 I flew to Michigan to hopefully finish my apprenticeship for Nosework judging.....worked with three Senior Judges at Premier and it was LONG days....learned SO much and really appreciated the judges letting me work with them!!

June 1, 2024  Mack and I trialed a Sacramento State in Elite Nosework.....definitely one of our worst trials (not exactly sure why?) but we left several hides enough points to keep them and the points are going toward 400 points he needs for Elite 2 (he has 346 points now).  He enjoyed himself and any day working with the dogs is a good day!!

May 18 & 19, 2024 Busy weekend attending UKC Conformation show and a Nosework Container trial.....four Patterdales attended (Lana's first show and wasn't real happy with strangers going over her; need to mature little more as she is only 7 months).  Mack received two Best of Breed, completed his Novice Champion Container title and also his Advanced Container title.  Decided not to bring him on Sunday as he could not go any further in Nosework at this trial AND wanted to give the girls a change as Talon needed points toward her Conformation Championship which I'm pretty sure she got pending UKC acknowledgement.  She also got her Advanced Container title!

May 12, 2024 Puppies have arrived on Mother's Day!!!  Six boys and two girls.....Mama Rayven doing very well and a very good mother and Papa Tytus is quite proud!!  Can't wait to watch these pups grow.....first Embark clear to clear breeding of Patterdales!!

May 4, 2024:  Update!!  WOW what a last couple weeks have been for Oakleaf/JMA Matthews dogs!!!
Hellcat got her NASDA level 1 Brace title which finished her Versatility 1, and then did a level 2 Brace run. Hellcat ran her agility ACTs and was first time running agility outside class. Of 8 runs 7 were successful She got 3 titles: ACT1 Jumpers, ACT 2 Standard and ACT 2 Jumpers. (video did not work). Hellcat also got her NACSW Nosework 1 title.
Lana (owned by my grandaughter Jayla) at 7 months finished her Trailing & Locating 1, Urban Locating 1 (continued on and got points for Level 2 for both) and same weekend titled in AWTA (Novice/Open/and two Certificate of Gameness in pouring rain!)
Mack completed his Trailing & Locating 3 (earned points toward his Lost Item 3) and finished his Advanced Certificate of Gameness! He is also working on his Elite 2 Nosework and his UKC Champion Novice Nosework.
Haka is Lana brother and also 7 months and attended his first NASDA trials and did really well toward his Urban & Trailing titles. He did earn his AWTA Novice title....he is busy learning to dock dive also! He also did really well at the JRTCA trial!  He just attended his first Barn Hunt trial and passed RATI and RATN.
Rayven did excellent at the UKC Nosework trial and earned her Novice Nosework title....she is expecting puppies next weekend (8!!) so had to do the maternity picture!
Talon is chasing NASDA Level 3 and MULCH points/earned her UKC Novice Nosework title with Jayla handling her.....has already earned her Advanced Certificate of Gameness so did not play this weekend.

Dazzle (who was blue collar boy Ronaldo) won a Best in Show conformation at 7 months old. He also is competing in AKC Nosework and has all novice titles except for buried.....waiting for verification from UKC to hear if he completed his Champion title,

Pike has been doing a lot of weight pulling and last event he pulled 47x his weight.

Super proud of all these awesome dogs!!!

April 8, 2024 Rayven was confirmed pregnant with 6-7 puppies!!!  This is first in USA Embark clear to clear breeding.  Both dogs are excellent examples of the breed.....healthy/drivey/titled in multiple sports venues/correct on/off temperament/both raised around children.....VERY excited about this litter.  Puppies are due approximately May 15, 2024.  If interested contact Robi Holcomb at 530-647-6289 or

April 3, 2024 Rayven had early ultrasound and is confirmed pregnant but will "officially" announce with a 30 day ultrasound April 15!!  First Embark clear to Embark clear breeding......SO excited!!

March 23, 2024 Took Talon to a NACSW Container Element trial.....have to do four successful container searches and Tazzie competed in four interior searches....both girls received their titles!

March 16 & 17, 2024  Mack attended a Elite Nosework trial in Reno, NV and is earning points towards his Elite 2......Talon had fun the next day at a Nosework 3 trial and unfortunately did not pass but we learned alot about trialing together!!  Next trial for her is April 7 in Merced.....hoping that trial goes better!!

March 10-14, 2024 Bred Tytus to Rayven......crossing fingers for a positive ultrasound middle of April!!

March 10, 2024 Attended a UKC conformation show and Lure Coursing with Talon and Mack.  Mack also earned two Total Dog Awards, 2 Best of Breed and both dogs completed two Coursing Aptitude runs.....they had fun!!

February 23-25, 2024 Worked Tara, Talon and Mack at the Woodland NASDA trial.....had fun and dogs did well and still waiting for all results.

February 3, 2024 We held our first UKC Nosework Fun Match and we all had a great time and UKC approved our club to schedule our first official trial!

January 2024: Mack got his  NACSW Elite 1 Nosework title and Talon completed her NASDA Urban Locating 3 title......proud of Mack and granddaughter!

January 26, 2024 Tragic news received today; Oakleaf's She's a Vixen has passed away in a freak accident.  Was on driveway with owner on a leash and her son pulled in driveway and Vixen pulled leash out of owner's hand/owner fell down and Vixen ran toward son's pickup truck and was run over.   She was only 16 months old and will be missed terribly!

End of 2023!

December 22, 2023  Last puppy Pele (who will be called Haka) will be leaving  January 5, 2024 for his new home in Southern California.  He will be shown and do competition sports and dock diving.  Excited for his future.....more pictures soon!

December 17, 2023  Had fun at another NASDA trial and Talon finished her Urban Locating III title and Vixen finished her Lost Item II and  Urban Locating II titles.  Both girls had some High in Trials.....Tara and Mack competed in the Urban Challenge games and acquired points towards titles.  Talon also got to start some Urban Challenge games.

December 10, 2023 Today the chocolate puppy Messi (new name to be determined) flew back to Florida with new owner Paul.....not a peep on the way home and no poddy on the plane....GOOD boy!!  He is already figuring out the spring pole/chasing a ball/walking on leash and daily life.

December 8, 2023 Mack and I flew to Burbank Airport and he competed in his second Elite Nosework trial on Saturday.....picked up 77.78 points toward his Elite 1 title.....searches were good and we flew home Saturday evening.

December 6, 2023 Dottie flew in from Missouri to pick up Ronaldo and he was a good boy all the way home.....settling in well and already learning the leash/wobble board/commands and daily house living.....she will be competing in a number of events including nosework!!

December 2, 2023 Little Mia (red collar girl) flew to Washington State with her new owners Kimberly and Andrew...she is settling in well!!

December 1, 2023 Patterdale Puppies are 9 weeks old leaving tomorrow, one next week and one the following week.  Feel good about the owners who are flying in to pick up their pups!!

 November 24, 2023 Talon and I went to Novato for her first Nosework Level 3 trial and she was awesome......finished first out of 38 dogs/placed second in containers and third in vehicles.  She was correct on all searches with the fastest time overall.  
There were six searches and I am super proud of her!!

November 19, 2023  Just busy taking care of puppies, now taking them for walks around the property and they have definitely developed some personalities.  Most of the pups will leave for new homes the first and second week of December.....they are a handful but alot of fun!  Getting lots of exposure to strange people/big and little dogs/working with umbrellas/loud noises and different surfaces.  They will see their first rat right after Thanksgiving and also be evaluated for temperament and conformation.....

October 29, 2023 A NASDA trial was held on my property and all dogs had fun!  Was super surprised when Tara was able to run three Brace 3 classes and found the rat first in two of the runs over Mack!!  Usually the areas are so big she can't finish the last run but she was doing awesome for almost 15!!  Nadia finished her Lost Item 2 title and is now officially retired at almost 13.....she has arthritis and a bulging disk in her back so now is taking it easy!  Mack did well in his Lost Item 3 and Talon did Urban/Brace and Lost Item and got a few High in Trial.  Vixen got to play and did very well and also got some High in Trial awards.  Then she went home and got a rat and a ground squirrel......awesome day for that girl!!

October 28, 2023  We had two AWTA Go to Ground trials on my property.....Talon finished her Advanced Certificate of Gameness and Mack wasn't having the best day.....missed one trial by 5 secs. getting to the rat (took 35 secs instead of 30 allowed) and left the rat after 1 minute (need to stay 90 secs.).....something he has never done.....all in all they had fun!!

October 20 & 21, 2023  Had fun at a NASDA trial in Woodland.....Tara and Mack did the Urban Challenge games, Mack did Lost Item 3, Talon did Urban Locating/Trailing & Locating and Lost Item 2......all had fun and did well.

October 13, 2023: Puppies are 2 weeks and have doubled their birth weight.  Jayla (my granddaughter) is keeping little purple collar female and has named her Leilani (calling her Lana)......the other girl is going to a competition family in Washington state.  One boy is going to Missouri to a competition home and personalities have to be seen to decide who goes to what as of now there are two boys available.  Have a pet/companion home interested (although most puppies need to go to a working home and looking for another competition home.  If interested please get in touch with me and I'll send you a questionnaire.

October 6, 2023:  Puppies are 1 week old and have gained quite a bit of weight.  Starting out at 7-9 ozs they are now 11-14 ozs.  Still look like little fat potatoes and already need their nails trimmed!!  Mama Tazzie eating 4-5 times a day and averaging about 1.5 lbs per day of raw with lots of cottage cheese/yogurt/raw meat/eggs/tripe/pumpkin and any leftovers....she is doing well and has not lost any weight and looks good!!
October 5, 2023: Tara and I went to a NACSW Nosework trial in Reno, NV  and Tara got her Elite Championship happy and proud of her as she approaches 15 years old.

September 29, 2023 PUPPIES ARE HERE!!!  3 boys (1 chocolate and 2 black) and 2 girls (both black).....puppies and Mama Tazzie doing awesome!  Warning!!  I will be posting lots of pictures!!

September 23, 2023 Took Talon to North Bend, Washington for a NACSW Level 2 trial.....she appears to feel normal and is back to acting normal.  She did very well at the trial held at a beautiful children's camp in the woods.  Out of 42 dogs she was 3rd overall, first in Exteriors and 2nd in Containers (which is always my biggest worry) and 4th in Vehicles.  Very proud of her especially after not feeling good last week!!

September 19-22, 2023 Tazzie started to have no appetite....barely wanted to eat anything....would eat a few bites of nosework treats and then stop.....started to get worried as she never lost her appetite during last two pregnancies.  Tried everything to get her to eat and was starting to get worried.....finally she started eating evening of 9/22/23.

September 16, 2023 Had a NASDA trial at my house and worked Tara/Mack and Vixen.  All dogs did well and had fun.  Tara finished her 114 title and still working on a couple more!  A friend saw Talon and commented she looked and walked like one of her dogs had who hurt her back.....she recommended anti-inflammatory/pain meds to see if she would feel any better.....since vets could not find anything I tried it.  Within couple days she was walking normal  (tried to keep her quiet and not running).  She had been dock diving/playing fetch and playing rough with Mack so it all made sense.....kept her fairly rest of week.

September 15, 2023 Not much better and collapsed again trying to jump on me....went and had a extensive ultrasound and again nothing was found.  Told to bring her home and keep a eye on frustrating!

September 13, 2023  Talon was pretty quiet last night but was eating and no vomit or diarrhea...this morning she seemed super weak and collapsed when she tried to jump on me so off to ER at 6 am......after blood work and x rays nothing was found.  Brought her home and still appeared weak.

September 2, 2023 Had a ultrasound done on Tazzie and vet saw "at least" five puppies!!!  Expecting last week of Sept - first week of October.  Very excited!  Have a few homes lined up and always interested in competition sport homes!

August 5, 2023 Dogs had fun at the NASDA trial and Talon got two High In Trial for Urban Locating III....Mack and Tara had fun in Brace III, Mack ran with Talon in Brace II.....they were tired (especially Tara!) but enjoyed searching for rats despite the 100+ weather!

July 28, 2023 Honeymoon has begun!  Will check in 30 days to confirm if pregnant!  Feel this was successful as Tazzie has immediately come out of heat!

July 17, 2023  Tazzie has come in heat; right on schedule so hoping for breeding end of July and whelping first of October.......I will update when confirmed pregnant and will send out questionnaires to people interested in puppies......this will be Tazzie's 3rd and last litter.  Very happy with all previous Mack/Tazzie puppies and have kept in touch with all owners!

July 16, 2023  I am doing excellent after total shoulder was more painful dealing with the break from early May to surgery July 6!!  I can probably do 60-70% of what I originally was doing in just 10 days so feeling good!!   At 2.5 weeks I am doing Week 8 pain/no sling....super happy with progress!!

July 6, 2023 Scheduled for a complete shoulder replacement so will be grounded for a short while.

June 17, 2023 Tara and I attended a NACSW Elite Nosework trial in Santa Clarita at a Air Museum movie set for airplanes and terminals.  It was fun but challenging searches and Tara did well......just short 6.54 points to achieve her NACSW Elite Championship so one more Elite trial hopefully soon.
June 10, 2023 Two AWTA Go to Ground trials were held on my property....Mack earned two more Certificate of Gameness (and got two Top Performance in Division and how only needs one more for his Advanced Certificate of Gameness) and Talon earned one more Certificate of Gameness (went through obstacles in tunnels but took too long to get through.....went through in 60 seconds instead of 30 seconds required but I was proud of her!  In the evening we had a NASDA trial and dogs did well.....I was super tired and arm was sore and I made mistakes but Tara got her 111 title at 14 years old....SUPER proud of her!!  Tytus got his Certificate of Gameness and Vixen; super proud of these pups!!

May 27 & 28, 2023 Tytus attended his first Odor Recognition Test and passed 2 out of 3 odors....very proud of him since owner did all training himself.  I flew to Santa Paula with Jayla again and Mack finished his Nosework Level 3 title.  Tazzie also came and it was her second Elite trial so she is just chasing points.  We had a good time!

May 20 & 21, 2023 Five Patterdales attended the UKC Conformation show in Citrus Heights.....Talon won Best of Breed for two shows and Vixen (Mack/Tazzie puppy) won two shows to put both Patterdales on the Top 10 list.  Not a fan of conformation shows but like to attend to confirm that dog is structurally correct. 

May 13, 2023 Unfortunately fell when I tripped over mowing deck while blowing driveway.....thought I had dislocated shoulder (it was bad shoulder that I was waiting for shoulder replacement scheduled for July 6, 2023)......unfortunately broke it across humerus head and down into humerus.  Will get xrays to see if healed on June 23, 2023 and see if shoulder replacement will continue.....bone has to be healed to accept new shoulder implant.

April 25, 2023 Titan flew to New Hampshire to begin a career of bed bug and rat detection.  I will miss him very much but he is very high drive and needs a full time job.....hoping this is a perfect match for him....

April 22 & 23, 2023 My grandaughter Jayla and I flew to Portland Oregon for a NACSW Nosework trial with Talon and Tara.  Talon had fun and received her Nosework 1 title with a first in Interiors, two pronounced and 8th overall out of 45 dogs....proud of her!  Tara is working on points toward her NACSW Elite Championship (1000 pts. needed) and she now needs 155 pts to finish.  Hard for Tara to chip away the points at 14 years old but she loves doing it!

April 15 & 16, 2023  WOW, full weekend.  Rayven started the day out competing in the new (to the West Coast) UKC Elite Shed and found all four antlers in a 50 x 100 yard field for her first leg of 5 needed for a UKC title....GOOD girl!!  Talon finished her Lost Item II title  and her Trailing & Locating II title and she ran in Brace II (needs 400 points so just chasing points).  Mack ran in Brace 2 and Brace 3 and Tara and Tazzie ran in Brace 3.....BUSY  but fun weekend!

March 31 & April 1, 2023 Another NASDA trial in Woodland.....6 month old Vixen finished her Lost Item 1 title and her Urban Locating 1 title.....she also got her Shed Puppy Aptitude title.....she loves this game.  Talon moved up to Urban Locating III and did very well.....she did well in her Lost Item II trials and Tara got to play in the Urban Challenge trials.....just chipping away at those points.  Dogs all had FUN!

March 19, 2023  Rainy and windy day but had fun competing at NASDA trial.  Little Vixen (Mack/Tazzie Sept 2022 puppy) got both UPAT and LPAT titles and obtained 92 of needed 100 points for her Lost Item 1 and obtained 94 of needed 100 points for her Urban Locating 1 with a High in Trial (very proud of 6 mo old pup at first trial!)  Talon finished her Urban Locating 2 title and ran one Urban Locating 3 and got a High in Trial!  She also picked up 110 points toward her Lost Item 2 title and only needs 136 more to finish that title.  Mack and Tara got to play in the Urban Challenge games and had fun.....this trial has to be run "blind" so Mya ran Mack for me....very proud of all dogs; especially the young ones!!

March 2023 Sent for the Advanced Certificate of Gameness for Titan; I found by accident that he qualified for this award after achieving five Certificate of Gameness!!

February 25 & 26, 2023 Went to Portland Oregon for a Nosework 3 trial with Mack and a Elite trial with Tara....terrible cold rainy weather but dogs did well and Mack passed his NW3 (needs one more interior qualifying score to get his NW3 Elite title!  Tara is 216 points short for her Elite Championship title so just working on points until she reaches the needed 1000 points.

February 12, 2023  Wow!!  Been printing out 2022 Placements for NASDA and so excited to say that Oakleaf Patterdales have MANY new title certificates and in the Urban Locating Master Champion list the recipients are:
#1 Oakleaf/JMA Matthew's Pike
#2 CMC's Tara the Terror of Oakleaf
#3 Oakleaf's Careful What U Wish 4 (Tazzie)
#4 Oakleaf's Limited Edition Titan
#5 JMA Matthew's Mack

January 29, 2023 Talon passed all three to wait for a trial!!

January 28, 2023 Talon and I are flying to San Diego for a Odor Recognition Test on Sunday....she must pass all three odors for the opportunity to trial with NACSW......should be "interesting" with airport commotion/in a tiny sherpa under the seat/flying/traveling for the test!

January 24, 2023  BAD news, poor Tsunami had an emergency spay today because of pyometra....she has not felt well for about a week on and off so went to vet this morning and sad to say she had a pretty large pyometra and had to be spayed....very sad news!!

January 7, 2023 Tsunami finally in heat and has come and booked the honeymoon suite.....hoping next week will be successful. 

End of 2022!

December 11, 2022 Took Talon only to NASDA trial in Penn Valley, CA.....was a challenging trial for Talon as it was inside a feed store with rat holes in the walls.....she did pretty well once we got away from the rat holes!!  Worked on Urban Locating II points and Lost Item II points.

November 20, 2022 Had a BUSY day at Lodi NASDA trial....started day with Trailing Brace and Talon ran with Mack and finished her Brace 1 title and then ran in two Brace 2 trials, three Trailing 2 trials, 3 Lost Item 2 trials (one High in Trial) and 3 Urban Locating 2 trials (busy girl!!)..... Tazzie ran with Tara and finished her Brace 2 title ....Tazzie finished  her Trailing & Locating 3 title.  Titan finished his Multi Urban Locating Championship and Tara had fun with the Urban Challenge games; unfortunately her owner took her off leash (have no idea why!!!??) for 2 off three trials.....overall a great day!   

November 18, 2022 Mack and I competed in a NACSW Nosework 3 trial in Granite Bay and I'm so proud of Mack passing all 6 searches and obtaining his second NW3 title (3 titles in Level 3 are needed in order to move up to Elite level).  A Exterior hide was especially hard with low pass rates and he found it!!

November 12, 2022 Tara and I went to Guerneville to compete in Elite trial.....she is working on points toward her Elite Championship.....she is leaving more and more hides behind and I feel it is due to her age (14 in February) and it is so sad to watch the decline....she loves Nosework and I have to seriously consider if we will continue to achieve her Championship (she needs 258 more points).......she had fun and came back with 63 points.  

November 6, 2022 all the Patterdales competed in NASDA.....Tazzie finished her Multi Urban Locating Championship and Titan needs one more qualifying run (dog has to pass a Level 2 and Level 3 the same day).  Titan, Mack and Tara finished their Brace II titles and Tazzie needs 30 pts to finish hers.  Talon and her brother Tytus ran Brace 1 together for the first time and did well.  Tytus competed for the first time and earned 3 titles and 5 High in Trials.

November 5, 2022 Did AWTA Go to Ground trials with Talon, Mack and Titan.....Tara and Tazzie already have their Advanced Certificate of Gameness which is highest level in AWTA.  Mack and Titan got two more qualifying runs toward their Advanced Certificate of Gameness and Titan was picked by Judge as Patterdale Judge's Choice.  This was Talon's first trial and she completed Novice, Open and 2 Certificate of Gameness....very proud of her as she only had about 3 practices before this event!

October 29, 2022 Tazzie/Mack puppies are 7 weeks today....eating raw food really well; using litter box pretty reliably and having a blast going on walks outside....getting them used to construction sounds and all other outside sounds as well as different surfaces....they are alot more fun now!!

October 22 & 23, 2022 Took Titan and Talon to NASDA trial in Woodland and super surprised that Talon took 2 High in Trials for Lost Item 1 and  1 High in Trial in Trailing & Locating 1....she earned her 4th title which is Lost Item 1 at 9 months and she had fun!  This girl LOVES to hunt!  Titan is working on his Multiple Urban Locating Champion title and completed four more qualifying runs so now only needs 3 more.  

October 15, 2022  Tara and Titan completed two trials of AKC Farm Dog and earned their titles....this title is #110 for Tara and #30 for Titan which is saying alot for Titan as he is pretty much spun most of the time!!  

September 10, 2022 Tazzie went into labor close to noon and attempted to have her puppies.....unfortunately four out of five were breech and she had major difficulty.....I pulled the two live ones and made 3 trips to ER vet and unfortunately could only save boy and one girl.  Worst whelping experience of my life but thankful Tazzie is OK and thankful for two beautiful puppies!

Sept 3, 2022 Mack and I trialed in 106 heat in Orangevale at a NACSW Nosework 3 trial.....I thought he did really well but he left one hide in a container search (only found 1 out of 2 hides) and he left one in a interior search (found 1 out of 2 hides) which in hind sight was my fault....I didn't get him into part of the classroom and he was searching a portion of the room and not coming up with a find and I forgot my awesome trainer, Jennie Keifer, words....LOOK BEHIND YOU!!  Yep that is where it was and we left it behind.....he did do awesome in a blank container search and did not false alert so very pleased with that!!
August 20 & 21 2022 Went to Pescadero NASDA trial with Tazzie and Talon (first trial for her at 7 months).....awesome 60s weather which was a nice change to the HOT weather.  Little Talon got three titles in Urban Locating 1, Trailing & Locating 1 and Shed 1 (with a high in trial!)....she had so much fun and did really well as a puppy!  Normally pups are distracted/overwhelmed with strange people/dogs/learning to potty on leash/being in a crate for longer periods of time etc etc and she just took it all in stride and had fun also!!  Tazzie finished her Lost Item II title.

August 12, 2022 Confirmed pregnant!!! Vet could see at least four little Patts.....can't wait until September 12th!!!  I will send out information to people who have been waiting to hear the news!!

July 2022 Repeat breeding of Tazzie/Mack.....really hoping pregnant as she instantly came out of heat!!  Find out August 12th!!

Not much going on competition wise most of the summer because of 100+ temperatures in California!!

June 11 & 12, 2022 Had a FUN weekend at the Patterdale National and Terrier Derby....all dogs competed in AWTA (go to ground), NASDA, Racing, Muskrat Racing and some did Barn Hunt as well as the Conformation.  Very happy that Oakleaf/Matthew's Pike (Tazzie/Mack breeding) won Best in Show and Top Performance Patterdale!!  Will post pictures on the Terrier Events page!

May 29, 2022 I took Mack and Tara to Lodi NASDA trial....had hand surgery May 11th so not able to handle more dogs....they did well and Tara got to do some Dock Diving which she has not done for a couple years!

May 21 & 22, 2022 a NASDA trial was held on my property....all dogs had fun and did well....accumulating more points toward their Urban Master Championship!  Four Patterdales ran 6 trials each day!  Little Talon passed all four Puppy Apptitude testing for Urban Locating, Trailing & Locating, Shed and Lost Item Recovery....definitely used her nose!!

May 7, 2022 Took four Patterdales to NASDA trial in Smartsville.  Mack and Tara completed three more trials toward their Urban Locating CH so now have 9 toward 20 needed, Tazzie completed two trials toward her CH and Titan gets too spun and only qualified in one trial.  Dogs had fun and runs were challenging!  Tara competed in Lost Item 3 but did not qualify since she found 2 out of three hides and pottied in search area :(  Will practice and be back!!

May 3, 2022 Two puppies arrived from England....introducing JMA Matthew's Eye of the Eagle (Talon) and her brother JMA Matthew's Tyne Typhoon (Tytus) who lives with the Doan family in Alameda...looking forward to them settling in and having fun!

April 24 & 25, 2022 Mack and I flew to Utah to attend a UKC Nosework trial....very stressful for dogs flying/traveling/trialing etc but Mack did awesome.  Came home with 4 new titles (Novice Interior/Novice Containers/Novice Nosework and Advanced Vehicles).  He also received 1 first place, 3 second place, 1 third and 1 qualifying....such a good boy and he had fun!!

April 10, 2022 Mack and I attended a NACSW Nosework 3 trial and Mack did awesome!  He passed all 6 searches, placed overall 3rd out of 38 dogs, 3rd place Interior and 1st place for Exterior....VERY proud of Mack!!

April 2 & 3 2022 NASDA trial this weekend and all dogs did well!  Tara got her Lost Item II title which gave her 105 titles and a High in Trial in Urban Locating III, Tazzie earned points toward her Urban Locating Master CH, Trailing & Locating III, Lost Item II and Brace II.  Mack was on fire and got two High in Trial in Trailing & Locating III, earned his Lost Item 2 title, earned points in Brace II,  and Urban Locating Master CH.  Titan got a High in Trial in Trailing & Locating III (both boys took all High in Trials!) earned his Lost Item II and points in Brace II.  Nadia also got to play in Lost Item II.....awesome weekend and very proud of all dogs!!

March 22, 2022 Tara and I flew to Portland, OR to attend a NACSW Nosework trial.....she is working on her Elite 3 title and did pretty well at the only neds 40 more points to earn her Elite 3 title!!  Trip was terrible getting home; missed our 8:15 flight as Spring Break and Alaska Airlines said I should have been at airport 3-4 hrs earlier than flight (never got that memo!!) and had to wait until 3:30 to leave....glad to be home!!!

March 20, 2022 Attended a NASDA trial in Placerville with all Patterdales....they each ran 3 trials of Lost Item II and since they got got their Urban Locating III titles they are gathering points for Master Championship for Urban Locating.  They must run and pass ULII and ULIII at the same trial.  I was last person to leave the trial at 6 pm!

March 5, 2022 I attended a NASDA trial in Lodi with all Patterdales.....CRAZY day as all dogs competed in three trials of TL Brace, Urban Locating and Lost Item II....dogs did well and it was a good day!

February 25, 2022 Tara, Mack and I attended a NASDA trial in Woodland, CA....both dogs competed in Trailing III and Lost Item II....just earned points toward their titles!

February 21, 2022 Nadia and I drove to Sausalito and trialed in NACSW Nosework 3....Nadia had fun and did well and completed her third Level 3 (Elite) title and got a second place in (I thought a difficult exterior search)....very proud of her.  She is retired from officially trialing in Nosework as the next level Elite is much faster and more hides.....she will be 11 next month and is starting to slow down a little.  She will still attend training since she enjoys it!

February 19, 2022 Most of the dogs trialed in the North American Sport Dog Association and had a blast!!  They did Trailing & Locating (all in level 3 so friends/family had to run a few of them since all searches are blind) all Patterdales finished their Brace Trailing 1 and started competing in 2 and all got their Versatility Bronze titles....good day and tired dogs!!

February 12, 2022 Nadia and I trialed at a Barn Hunt event (has not trialed with Barn Hunt for 8 years!)....she loves finding the rats at North American Sport Dog Events and was excited the few times she practiced Barn Hunt....had to wait all day and I think it tired her out but ran out of time on first trial but found both rats for a qualifying Open score the second trial and a second place out of about 30 dogs!!....she will be 11 next month and I can see her slowing down but she had fun!

January 29 & 30 2022 Tazzie/Titan and I attended Nosework trial in Novato.....had alot of fun; stayed the weekend in RV.  Tazzie completed her Nosework 3 (needed 3 passes total) and got moved up to was fun and she was very focused.  Fun day with my granddaughter Jayla and my nosework friends.  Sunday Titan competed in the Nosework 2 trial (he already has his title but wanted to do it for more experience since he is a teenage boy and gets distracted!).  He did well and found all the hides in 5 searches....maybe we will try a Nosework 3!!

January 15, 2022 Mack and I attended a NACSW Nosework Level 2 trial in San was a FUN day and he got his Nosework 2 title.  Stayed the weekend in San Jose and visited with was a GREAT weekend!!

January 9, 2022 Tara and I went to NACSW Nosework Element trial at Merced College.  Thought she passed all four Level 3 Interior searches but I called a "extra" odor on last search so only completed 3 out of 4 so she got a leg and needs one more to title.  Afternoon she did Level 2 Exteriors and that was a title!

End of 2021!!

December 18, 2021 I'm really glad I kept this "News" section to look back at all the fun things the dogs and I have done over the years!!

December 11 & 12, 2021 Tara, Tazzie and I traveled to Modesto for a Elite Nosework trial on Saturday and a NW3 trial on Sunday......Tara was in Elite and definitely not our best score but chasing points for the Elite 3 title.....she needs 112.29 points more for the 650 needed points.  Tazzie did well and got her 2nd NW3 title (and she so now needs one more qualifying leg for her Elite (thought we had done it but realized we need one more qualifying leg!) and four pronounced out of 6 searchs....we both did something right!!

December 5, 2021 Sorry for the bad news for people interested in a puppy but Tsunami is NOT pregnant.

December 4, 2021 Titan and I attended a Nosework 2 trial in Roseville and it did not go well.  He already has his NW2 title but he is so crazy and gets distracted so I feel he is not ready for NW3 which is MUCH harder.  We attended this NW2 trial to "brush up on his skills"......well he was very distracted and would not have passed....definitely tells me we need to attend more and maybe let him mature more so not distracted!  Definitely alot more into the rat games!!

November 27 2021 Mack attended his first North American Canine Scent Work Nosework 1 trial in Novato and got his title and placed 3rd out of 45 dogs....he did well and had a blast!

November 20 & 21, 2021 BUSY weekend!!!  Saturday I hosted a AWTA trial....Mack passed his Novice/Open and Certificate of Gameness titles.  He did well and had fun!  His daughter Rayven did awesome also and passed all three titles also.  Tara and Tazzie already passed their Advanced Certificate of Gameness so just got to participate to qualify for the Best of the Best thanks to idea of Judge Doreen Spires.  Titan qualified for his second of five Certificate of Gameness toward his Advanced Certificate of Gameness.  Tazzie and Rayven were chosen with a Russell Terrier to participate in Best of the Best.  Both did well in the tunnels but Russell Terrier got fastest time and won the event.....congratulations to Lyndy Banducci and her dog Brizzie!!!  Sunday was the North American Sport Dog Association trials....all dogs had so much fun and it was first time to participate in the Brace run.  Tazzie & Mack ran together/Tara and Titan ran together and Rayven ran with a St. Bernard.  All dogs had fun and did well.  All four Patterdales and Nadia competed in Trailing & Locating Level 3 and Nadia got a High in Trial over the Patterdales; she LOVES to hunt for rats!!!

November 13 & 14, 2021 Tazzie and Nadia and I attended a NACSW NW 3 trial in Guerneville....very long and tiring weekend and I was pleased with the girls.  Both received a leg toward their title and each missed one hide.   Nadia only needs one leg to get her Elite title and that is far as we will go with Nosework in NACSW with her.  Getting harder and harder for her to walk so far to the searches and waiting all day is hard on her.

October 31, 2021  Showed Mack in conformation hoping to get Top 10 points and he did well!!  Picked up 4 Top 10 points, two Best of Breed, a Group 3 and a Group 1 so half leg toward Grand CH title.  Long but fun day and super proud of him and third breeding with Tsu!!

October 30, 2021 Mack and Titan attended their first UKC weightpull which did not go well!  Both boys practiced last week pulling a cart and have been practicing for several weeks pulling chains but got in front of the cart today and would not pull so back to the practice we go!!  I did foul them out and once I started them pulling they pulled just fine.....just have to get used to breaking the weight.  No Patterdales showed in conformation today except Rayven and she finished her Championship so very happy with that!!  Back to Woodland tomorrow to try for Top 10 points in weightpulling!!

October 29, 2021 I attended a NASDA trial in Dixon; good day for the dogs despite thick fog!!  Tara accumulated more points toward her Lost Item II, Titan accumulated points for Lost Item II and got a High in Trial and got his Shed 1 title,  Nadia accumulated points for her Lost Item II, Tazzie accumulated points for Lost Item II, a High in Trial, and got her Shed 1 title, and Mack finished his Urban Locating III title, accumulated Lost Item II points and got his Shed 1 title and two High in Trial.....good dogs!!  Trial run very efficiently and we went home early!!

October 27, 2021 First breeding with Tsu and Mack!!!  She has recovered from her peach pit obstruction; eating 3x a day to gain her weight and muscle back and spirits are good.....barely any signs of being in heat but Mack (the professional!!) knew....we will see what future days bring!!

October 23-24 2021 My granddaughter Giuliana and I flew to Utah with Mack and Tazzie for a UKC Nosework trial....Tazzie finished her Elite Vehicle element and qualified for her Elite Nosework Title....SUPER proud of her and she was the only dog who qualified in Elite!  Mack came home with two Novice titles and two legs in Advanced and 6 first place awards....he loved it and did super well!

October 8-10, 2021 Started the weekend by attending a NSCSW NW2 trial with Titan in Turlock.....he passed all elements but was typical young boy fashion and quite distracted....actually surprised he passed 10th place out of 45 dogs!  Tara competed in Elite on Saturday and accumulated more points toward her Elite 3 title.  Since we were not busy enough on Friday and Saturday (hahaha) I took 5 dogs to Placerville to compete in NASDA Urban Locating and Lost Item.....all dogs did well under some pretty tough hides.  Tazzie earned her Lost Item 1 title,  Mack earned points toward his Lost Item II title, Titan earned his Urban Locating III title with a High in Trial and Reserve High in Trial, Tara earned points toward her Lost Item II and Nadia pulls out another High in Trial ....good dogs!!!

September 26, 2021 Well after a LONG day yesterday driving up and back to Reno, Nevada Saturday I took 5 dogs to the NASDA trial in Woodland on Sunday.....5 dogs competed in Urban Locating, Trail & Locating, Shed Dog and Lost Item....Nadia and Tara got their Shed 1 title (Nadia got a High in Trial in Trailing & Locating III), Titan got his Lost Item 1 title, and Mack got his Trailing & Locating II title and a High in Trial....we were all tired after the weekend!!!

September 25, 2021 Tazzie competed in NACSW Nosework 3 trial in Reno, Nevada and got her first NW3 title.....very proud of her!!

September 15, 2021 Tara and I flew to Portland, Oregon to attend a NACSW Nosework trial.....Tara needed 66 points to finish her Elite 2 was a crazy day and a half with lots of obstacles but Tara did awesome.....she got her Elite 2 title!

August 28-29, 2021 UKC Show in Citrus Heights!! Taking Patterdales only as hoping to finish Mack CH!  Mack did finish his Championship and Tara won breed in three shows with two Group 1s and one Group 2 (and a Reserve Best in Show!!) and she picked up quite a few Top 10 points.  Little Rayven (Tazzie/Mack) did very well at the show and judges said she has a promising future!  I only show until they get Championship and then continue to do fun performance events!

August 18, 2021 Good news; Tazzie is 100% back to normal!!  So happy and thanks for all prayers!  My vet gave me injectable benedryl and prednisone to carry with me in case she encounters wasps again. Good to have especially when I travel out of state; you never know what you will see wasps!!

August 15, 2021 After great weekend Tazzie, Tara and Mack went outside after breakfast and I found Tazzie collapsed on rocks about 5 ft. away from BIG wasp nest about 40 mins later.  Assuming she was stung multiple times and went into shock as she could not raise her head/could not stand/was shaking/gums gray and also bleeding from vulva pretty profusely.  Rushed her to Emergency vet and after blood tests/urine analysis and ultrasound they did not have a clue as to what happened.  Kept her at vet all night on IV and picked her up mid morning of August 16th.  She will see my vet to see if they have any recommendations.  She is not critical today but obviously not feeling good; pretty quiet and sleeping.  Thanks for all the Get Well prayers for her; I really appreciate them!!

August 12-14, 2021 Tazzie, Titan and I flew to Utah with my good friend Debbie for a UKC Nosework trial.....very happy how dogs did.  Titan came home with two titles one in Advanced Container and a Superior Container, one High in Trial for a 5 sec find, Tazzie came home with a Elite Container and a Elite Interior.....only needs one Elite vehicle for her Elite Nosework title!!

August 1, 2021 Attended a UKC Conformation show in Vallejo with Mack/Tazzie and Tara.  Was hoping Mack would finish his Champion title but no love for him; was surprised because I think he is great moving and great looking.  Tara won breed for the first show and Tazzie won breed for the second show.....darn!!  Will try again in August!

July 31, 2021 I attended a North American Sport Dog Association trial in Smartsville with five dogs.  Nadia finished her Lost Item 1 title and did first trial of Shed Dog, Tara finished her Lost Item 1 title and also did first trial of Shed Dog....her and Nadia already finished their Urban Locating III titles.  Tazzie competed in Urban Locating III and only needs 17 points for her Urban Locating III title,  Mack competed in Urban Locating III and first time for Shed Dog,  and Titan competed in Urban Locating III and Shed Dog but busy weekend with 20 runs!!

July 25, 2021 Titan and I flew to Burbank Airport and rented a car to attend the NACSW Nosework 1 trial in Somis FINALLY after waiting a year to get into a trial!!  He passed all four elements/got his Nosework 1 title; got to pick out a toy at Petco and then we headed home....Quick but fun weekend!!  Weather was much cooler in So Cal than Loomis!!

July 11, 2021 attended another NASDA trial in Placerville. Three dogs (Tara, Mack and Nadia) competed in Lost Item 1 for the first time in three trial and completed his title since he got two High in Trialss.  Nadia found one of the items in 6 seconds!!  Mack, Tara, Nadia, Tazzie  and Titan also did three trials of Urban Locating for a total of 24 runs for the day!!!  Nadia also got a High in Trial for one of the Urban Locating III levels....she did better than Patterdales!!

July 2021  Puppies from Mack/Tazzie are almost 7 months old and are doing great in their new homes.  Rayven has been busy with North American Sport Dog Association and has three titles so far and working on a fourth.  Hellcat is doing well with AWTA Go to Ground and has completed her Novice and Open titles.  Pike is training for Go to Ground, weightpull, disc dog and completed his first Barn Hunt trial finishing with a first and second place.  Benny is a companion to his family and they are hoping to start Benny in some activities soon.  So happy to hear all the pups are doing great!!

June 19, 2021 attended another NASDA trial with Tara, Mack and Nadia in Somerset.....dogs did well except Tara thought it was much more exciting to hunt the ground squirrels in the Trailing & Locating than a rat in a box.....made up for it with the Urban Locating.  Got to see little Rayven (Mack/Tazzie puppy) trial and she did very well!!

May 29 & 30 2021 another North American Sport Dog Association trial with all 6 dogs; 36 runs on Saturday and 30 on Sunday.....took me 2 days to recuperate!!!  Very proud of the dogs and again waiting for results for Sunday; will post soon!!

May 8, 2021 Nadia and I attended a NACSW Level 3 nosework trial in Turlock, CA. and Nadia did awesome......6 out of 24 dogs and got her second NW3 more needed to get her Elite title....GOOD girl; very proud of her!!

May 1 & 2, 2021 attended the UKC Conformation Show in Lodi with 4 Patterdales and also raced them in Precision Coursing and Drag Racing.  Dogs did well....Mack got two Best of Breeds and two Group 4, Tara (was added as a filler dog!) got a Best of Breed and a Group 2 and Tazzie also got a Best of Breed but did not place in group....she was spazzy and wanted to go race again.   Titan got his UFA and USA titles and one leg toward UFR titles Very tiring weekend and thankful Mya and Sam were there to help me!!

April 24 & 25, 2021 I flew to Utah, rented a SUV and attended a UKC Nosework trial with Tazzie and Titan with my friend Debbie Beldner.....Titan did well for only second trial and passed 3 of the 5 trials.....was too distracted on dirt for other two trials so now know I need to practice on dirt!!  Tazzie was amazing and got a 1st place in all five trials in the advanced levels and was the only dog who passed two of the trials....VERY proud of her!!!  Continued on to Wyomind and had a great time exploring!!  Dogs were great and settled in well; very proud of Titan for dealing with airport/flying/hotels/alot of time in crate/trialing etc etc!

April 18, 2021 went back to Placerville with all the dogs and competed in North American Sport Dog Association Urban Locating only....still waiting for scores to be corrected but Nadia outdid herself and got one High in Trial and Tara also!

April 10, 2021 Tazzie and I traveled to Turlock CA to attend a Nosework 3 trial....first attempt for Tazzie and she did awesome except for very last search.....passed two interior, one exterior, one vehicle and one container search and last room was a blank containers and I called a hide.....thankfully kept a leg toward a title with only one wrong....SO disappointed as she was so correct on all the other hides so now will try and get into another trial.....

April 2-3, 2021 Busy weekend with Tiago/Nadia/Mack/Titan/Tara and Tazzie with North American Sport Dog Association in Woodland.  All dogs did well and I know Tara got a High in Trial....couple scores messed up so waiting for those to be corrected and will post as soon as I receive.

March 14 2021 Took Tiago, Mack, Tara and Tazzie to North American Sport Dog Association in Placerville....dogs had a blast and competed in Urban Locating.....waiting for results but think they did very chasing points so no new titles yet.

February 20, 2021  The four Tazzie/Mack puppies have all left for their new homes; very bittersweet!!  Loved raising the puppies and feel each are perfect for their new families....looking forward to receiving updates/pictures and seeing what fun these pups have with their new adventures!!

February 1, 2021 No trials as I have been taking care of four Patterdale puppies.....they are all very nice; confident and very drivey.  Can't wait until they go to their new homes and I'll be able to follow their adventures!  Have been continuing nosework training with Nadia; Tara; Titan and Mack and some bitework and obedience with Titan and Mack.

END OF 2020!
December 21, 2020 Tara and I flew to Las Vegas to trial in  Elite was a hard trial and I was pretty bummed thinking we did not do very well.  Only found 12 out of 20 hides but she never false alerted and we did not get any "no".....I need to trust her more as she was telling me in unaccessible hides there was something there but could not pin point it....she did get a second place in Containers out of 28 dogs so I was proud of her and a fourth place in exteriors.....she did a great job and I need to step up MY game!!

December 8, 2020 Tazzie/Mack puppies arrived 5 pm C section.....a puppy was totally sideways and no puppies could be born so after contracting for 6 hrs with no pushing or panting I brought her for xray and discovered the sideways puppy.  After C section four survived; 2 males and 2 females.  Check Patterdale Puppies 2020 for updates.

November 14 & 15, 2020 Was a busy weekend!!!  Took 4 Patterdales and Nadia to the North American Sport Dog Association trial in Woodland; Mack's first trial and it was BUSY.....first day 5 dogs did four trials and second day 3 dogs did four trials (No level 3 on Sunday).....Mack got his first two titles in Trailing and Locating and Urban Locating and two High in Trial!!  Tazzie got 3 High in Trials and points toward her Level 3 titles, Tara got one High in Trial and points toward her Level 3 titles....Nadia finished her Level 2 titles in both Trailing and Urban and Titan earned points toward his Level 2 titles.....I am exhausted!!  My granddaughter Jayla came and was able to trial Mack; she had a blast!!

November 9, 2020  Patterdale Tazzie confirmed pregnant with Mack!!!  Ultrasound showed 5 puppies but will do xray closer to due date (December 11th) to confirm...SO EXCITED!!!  And Presas Tiago and Fury expecting pups first of December!!

November 8, 2020 Took Tara, Titan and Mack to straight races; boys first time racing and wearing muzzles and they did great!  Titan does not like Mack so was worried whether he would go after Mack but they were totally focused on Lure....little "discussion" at the end when Lure stopped but glad they were wearing muzzles....Titan placed second over all, High In Trial for Patterdales and Mack placed third....they had fun and did well!!

October 31, 2020 Tazzie and I flew to San Diego Friday night, competed in Ramona, CA. Saturday and flew home Saturday night.....she passed her NACSW NW2.....GOOD girl....pretty sure she is pregnant and she seemed a little more quiet but did well.

 October 20, 2020 Just returned from Utah at a UKC Nosework trial with all four Patterdales...Tazzie and Titan competed and did well!  It was Titan’s first trial and he qualified for 3 titles in Novice...Tazzie competed in Elite and Masters and I made a few bad calls but overall a successful weekend!  Tsunami also went  and finished her Novice Nosework title and got her Advanced Vehicle title....two first, a third and a fourth place....GOOD DOGS!!!

October 10, 2020 Tazzie was bred to Mack and looking forward to confirming breeding beginning of November...will post here as soon as I know and will get in touch with all interested people to narrow down their choices!!  Waiting for Tsunami to come in heat!!

Sept. 28, 2020 I received the Embark test results for Mack; over 170 different genetic and 10 eye problems were checked and he is 100% clear of everything!!  So very happy!!  Now waiting for Tsunami to come in heat any day and hopefully will produce the first Embark to Embark tested litter of Patterdales!!!  Tazzie just came in heat so seriously thinking of breeding her also since she is 4.5 yrs old.  Thanks to all who got back to me regarding a Patterdale puppy; I'll be updating here so please check back!!

Sept 11, 2020 JMA Matthew's Mack arrived from UK.....26 hours in crate and came out confident/inquisitive and clean!!  Love this boy and everything I wanted in a Patterdale stud dog!!  Tsunami should be coming in heat anytime and my plan is to breed her to Mack.

August 16, 2020 Tara and Tazzie attended the NADD Dock Diving Trial...very happy Tazzie jumped in four events and qualified for 4 junior legs toward a title.  Tara jumped in 3 senior and 1 master.....looking forward to Labor Day weekend to complete their titles.  Titan still learning so hopefully will have fun soon!

August 2020 Titan has started lessons for dock diving; loves the water and now needs the experience and confidence jumping off a 2 ft dock....his nosework training is continuing and he is doing well.  We are also doing serious obedience and continuing with his bitework.....can't wait for some trials!!  Planning on attending a dock diving event with Tara and Tazzie next weekend!

Updated August 2020........Well getting closer; airport has opened up and hoping the little man will arrive middle of excited!!!
 June 2020  I have a small drivey Patterdale stud dog coming from UK whenever quarantine is lifted to fly dogs to USA.  My hope is to breed either Tsunami or Tazzie to him; keep a female and eventually breed her to Tara's father Mack.  I have another stud dog I am interested in but lives in remote area and so far have not been able to collect him....still working on that and would like to breed him to either Tazzie or Tsunami....just depends on what girl matches up with what boy!!!  Something to look forward to!!!

April 4, 2020 Well we are having to stay home with the Covid 19 virus and totally bored....miss training and trialing with dogs and seeing my friends.  Had Tsu brought to California from Idaho for breeding and all that did not happen because of the quarantine so hoping for Fall.....very disappointed! All Patterdales have been running the property with ProHauler and have been biking and they love it.....good way to wear them out!!

February 15, 2020 Tiago, Nadia and Titan went to the North American Sport Dog Trial in Fairfield.....pending notification from NASDA pretty sure Nadia completed her Urban Locating II title....Tiago and Titan got points toward their Urban Locating and Trailing & Locating but have to wait for results to see where they but WARM day!!

February 1, 2020 Tazzie and I went to Rancho Cucamonga for the NACSW Nosework 2 trial....she did so well and unfortunately we found 7 out of 8 odors so again no title.....proud of her as she and I flew down Friday, trialed Saturday and raced for the airport Saturday night to come home....we will try again!!!

January 18, 2020 Titan took three Odor Recognition tests for NACSW; testing for Birch, Anise and Clove and passed all of them....good boy!!

January 11, 2020 Tiago attended a L1 Exterior element trial and received his title....four searches.

END OF 2019!
December 1, 2019 Tazzie and I attended a Level 1 Container trial in Orangevale....four different searches of  containers and she passed....YAY; finally something to celebrate even if it is Level 1!!

November 30, 2019 Tiago and I attended a NACSW Nosework 3 trial in Orangevale and I thought he did pretty well but again we did not pass....vehicles had a chain link fence with a barking dog and he watched the dog the entire 2 minute search....didn't search the vehicles so we got nothing again....SUPER disappointed!!  

November 29, 2019 Tazzie and I traveled to Rancho Cucamonga for a NACSW Nosework 2 trial....she did very well in three elements but false alerted (my interpretation so not sure if I read her wrong) on last container so got nothing....VERY disappointed!!

November 16 & 17, 2019 This was a busy weekend!!!  AWTA held two Go to Ground trials on my property....Tara and Tazzie already have their Advanced Certificate of Gameness (which is as far as you can go) so they did not play but Titan did!!  He had a blast and passed Novice, Open and Certificate of Gameness and received Top Performance Patterdale....he did awesome.  

Rest of day and Sunday we did Urban Locating and Trailing and Locating with North American Sport Dog Association........Tiago got 2 High in Trial for Trailing II & Locating and one High in Trial for Urban Locating II, Titan got four Best of Breed in Trailing & Locating II and 2 Best of Breed in Urban Locating,  Tazzie and Tara got their Urban Locating II titles and Tazzie got two High in Trial in Trailing & Locating II, Nadia got a High in Trial for Trailing & Locating and two High in Trial for Urban Locating.......exhausted but proud of all dogs especially Presas for getting higher scores than terriers!!!

November  9 & 10, 2019 Took all three Patterdales to the NASDA trial in Woodland on Saturday and Sunday; no results posted yet but sure Titan finished his Trial & Locate Level 1 title and moved up to compete in Level II....Tazzie did better than Tara I am pretty sure with Titan close behind; exhausting but fun weekend and beautiful weather!!!

November 3, 2019 Nadia and I competed in NACSW Nosework 3 in Grass Valley....three interior rooms, one room of containers, one exterior and 3 vehicles....I messed up in one interior room....darn darn darn!!  She told me there was nothing in there and I made her check everything again (worried I had left something) and she SNIFFED but did not ALERT on some basketballs and I called an Alert...wrong move; should have listened to her and it cost us a big mad at myself!!

November 1 & 2, 2019 went to the UKC show in Woodland intending on having Tazzie do weightpull....terrible day and she refused to pull in both pulls!!  Very humble pie to have to eat!  Not sure why as she has done very well in the past....will try again.

October 18 & 20, 2019 Tazzie and I flew to Utah to attend a UKC Nosework trial....great trial and Tazzie did well.  Proud of the Patterdales this weekend at UKC Nosework trial in Utah...Tazzie got her UKC Master Interior, Master Container and Master Exterior titles and two High in Trial...Tsunami got 3 first places and 2 second places in Novice and High in Trial at her first trial...what a fun weekend!!! 

Got her Master Nosework Interior, Exterior and Containers.  Tsunami and Jeanne also went and Tsu did great for her first trial....have to check records but both girls got High in Trial.

Sept 7, 2019 was a BUSY day!!  NASDA held three trials at my house....Urban Locating, Trialing and Locating and Shed Dog.  I ran 5 dogs at 6 trials and they all did well....little Titan was awesome...picked up quite a few points and they had fun....tired dogs are good dogs!!!  Titan got a High in Trial in TL1 Trial 2, Tiago got a High in Trial in TL1  and his TL1 title in Trial 3, Tara High in Trial TL2 and Nadia High in Trial for UL2....awesome when Presas get faster time than Patterdales!!!

August 3 & 4, 2019 Took Tazzie, Tara and Titan to a Urban Locating Trial in Dixon; GREAT weekend and dogs came home with lots of points....brought Tiago with the Patts on Sunday and he got a High in Class and his Urban Locating Level 1 title and Titan also got his Urban Locating Level 1 title....Tara and Tazzie continued points toward their Level 2

July 13 & 14, 2019 I heard there was another Trail & Locate AND Urban Locate trial in Fairfield so off we went; but this time we brought Nadia, Tara and Tazzie....all did great!!!  All three dogs came home with a TL1 title and earned points toward their TL2 title...they also earned their UL1 titles and points toward UL2 title and they all had fun despite running 6 times each day!!!  Nadia first Presa to get title in this organization!!

June 10, 2019 I attended the Performance Events at the Parson Russell National Specialty with Tara and Tazzie; first time seeing Trailing & could they not search for a rat in a box/nosework with a rat!!!  Both did well....needed 100 pts to title which normally takes 3-4 trials.....Tara came home with 89 pts and Tazzie 85 pts so will look for another trial!!  First trial for Titan and after 3 searches he earned his TLPAT (Trail & Locate Puppy Aptitude Test)!!!

May 11, 2019 had a AWTA (American Working Terrier Association) go to ground trial at my property; Tara and Tazzie both got to play but since they have both earned top title they only did it for fun.

May 4, 2019 competed in Vehicle element search with Tazzie (4 different hides) and she passed; earned her L1V!  Competed with Tiago and he left one hide on a boat trailer so no title.

April 17, 2019 competed with Tazzie in Loomis for NW2 and missed one hide on a close but no title!!

April 4th and 5th, 2019 competed with Tazzie in NW2 and Tiago in NW3 locally....unfortunately missed some hides so no titles for either was good experience and we will continue to train!!

February and most of March consisted of staying home raising Tara's puppy "Titan"....his surrogate mama went home April 3rd.

February 9, 2019 Tara had a single Patterdale puppy via c section...puppy was large 9.8 oz and she was almost 10 so vet thought it best to do c section....Tara had a hard time recuperating.  Temperature was low, acted strange to pup like she didn't know what it was, did not get milk in....very stressful.  A person with a Jack Russell offered her as a surrogate since she had a singleton early that morning that was born dead....has worked well for the puppy and the mama Carley.  As of day 5 he weighs 12.8 oz!!!

January 11-13 2019  Signed up Patterdales for UKC California Classic in Woodland, CA....unfortunately Tsunami came in heat and pretty sure Tara pregnant and vet didn't want her racing so just Tazzie......amazing 3 days!!  She got 1st place in 6 steeple races, 1st place in five flat races and 1 second place in 1 flat race.  She pulled in 3 weightpulls and pulled maximum she is allowed to pull for UKC for two 20 pt pulls and one 15 pt pull.  She also received Most Weight Pulled Per Body Pound on Sunday.  I entered her in conformation Sunday to try and get a Total Dog and she placed 2nd in group....shocked as she has not been in a show since last January 2018 and was way too interested in what was going on at racing!!  Definitely following in Mama Tara's pawprints.....VERY proud of was a BUSY weekend!!

END OF 2018!
November 2-4 2018 Tazzie and I flew to Albuquerque, New Mexico for another UKC Nosework Trial....definitely not our best trial but completed her Superior Container title, finished her Advanced vehicles and got her Advanced vehicle title, passed one leg of Master container, and second leg of Superior Exterior for her Superior Exterior title and got her PTM title and her PTE for vetiver and myrrh odors.

October 27-28 2018 Flew with Tiago and Tazzie to Vancouver, WA for a UKC Nosework trial....dogs did very well  with searches as fast as 9 seconds.  Tiago finished his Novice Nosework title, passed one leg of Advanced Vehicles, Advanced Containers and Advanced Interior.....Tazzie passed her Pre Trial Master, and also passed one leg of Superior  Exterior, Superior Containers and Superior Interior....GOOD girl!!!  Heading to New Mexico with Tazzie on November 1 2018 for more UKC Nosework!! 

October 6-7 2018 Tazzie and I flew to New Mexico for a UKC Nosework trial..she passed Superior Interior two legs for her Superior Interior title, she passed Advanced Vehicles one leg, Advance containers two legs for her Advanced Container title, and both legs of Advanced Exterior and got Advanced Exterior title. 

Sept 27-29 2018 Took Tara and Tazzie to Splash Dog Dock Diving Nationals.... had Tazzie practice since she had only jumped once before and she loved it!  Entered Tara in Lap Dog Pro Division for Nationals and she won her division and had the longest jump of Lap Dogs (dogs under 15 inches tall)....she has not jumped for a couple years and had a blast....LOTS of fun!!

Sept 15, 2018 Took Tsunami to the NACSW Odor Recognition Test and she passed all three odors; birch, anise and clove....GOOD GIRL!!

 July and August 2018 having shoulder replaced and having a femoral hernia fixed so no training or competitions.  Two nosework competitions in October....YAY!!!

June 16 & 17 2018 Nadia trialed in NACSW NW3 in Reno but did not pass all elements....very distracted so will try a couple different training methods; only 7 out of 38 passed....Tiago did very well at NW2 and got his NACSW NW2 title....very focused today and got a second place in 2 Interior rooms....only 11 dogs passed out of 38 trialing!!

June 1, 2018 Today is the ultrasound to see if Tara pregnant!!!  Unfortunately litter was absorbed by June 9th so no puppies :(

May 20, 2018 Tara trialed with NACSW Nosework Elite in Meadow Vista and accumulated more points toward her Elite 2 title.

May 5, 2018 Tara had surgical insemination with two Sires....CMC's Mighty Mack of Dodgion AND CMC's Heavy first dual sired litter attempt!

April 24, 2018  BOTH Tara and Tazzie have come in heat....exact same day!!  Planning on breeding Tara for her final litter!

April 19-21 2018 Tara, Tazzie and I went to Hutto Texas for UKC Nosework trial.....alot of fun and Tazzie completed her Novice Exterior, got her UKC Novice Nosework  and got 2 qualifing runs in Advanced Interior....she came home with 3 new titles!!  Especially proud of Tara also coming home with Elite Exterior, Elite Interior and finishing her UKC Elite Nosework title....tough trial and found out Tara loves cookies as distractors!!  Have trained her to leave meat, cheese, crackers, etc....but apparently NOT cookies....still passed and very proud of her!!!

March 31, 2018 Tara and I went to Auburn, WA for UKC Elite....tough trial!!!  A few of the elements no dogs passed...Tara got a first place and High in Trial for a Elite Exterior (only 2 dogs passed).....we did not pass our Interior.  Also took Tara off cheque drops so hoping to breed her so she will have her third and final litter

March 4, 2018  Tazzie got into the Weimar NACSW trial for Nosework 1.  We had been on a wait list and because of weather many people cancelled...YAY and she passed all four elements with good times....proud of baby dog!!

February 17, 2018  Tiago and I flew to Seattle, WA to attend a UKC Nosework trial....we passed three elements and Tiago got 2nd place in vehicles and containers, 1st place in interiors and a High in Trial......I read him wrong and called too soon on the exterior....DARN and he only needed 1 exterior to pass his Nosework 1 title....have to wait for another trial!

January 12-14 2018 Took Tara, Tazzie and Tsunami to California Classic in Bakersfield.  Dogs had so much fun...Tara got 3 Best of Breed and won all her Champion Flat and Steeple races.  Tazzie got 2 Best of Breed, 1 Reserve Best in Show, got her UWP weightpull title and 3 first place awards for pulling 22x her weight and her UFA and USA racing titles....Tsunami got 1 Best of Breed and her UFA and USA racing titles.  All dogs got racing points toward next title but I have no idea how many or how they keep track of them!!

END OF 2017!!
December 15, 2017  Devastated to report that Tyrone died....he and Tara got down a skunk hole between 2 large rocks...Tara was behind him and he could not back up....I could barely grab the end of her tail but finally grabbed her and drug her out.  I could not reach Tyrone as he was about 4 ft. down and the skunk kept spraying.  I screamed for my daughter and son in law to help me try to pull him out; time was of the essense as dogs can't breath down in a skunk hole and it killed him in about 10 mins....HORRIBLE!!  My friend Jeanne came and had to dig dirt out under him in order to drag him out....this was too much after losing Tovah 6 weeks ago.  Both were the sweetest dogs and will be missed beyond explanation.  This is the main reason I don't hunt my dogs and it happened on my property.  I boarded up the hole and check my property everyday to be sure more don't very very sad.  It has been tough!!!

December 7-11, 2017 I took Tara and Tazzie to Hutto, Texas for UKC Nosework trials; first trial for Tazzie!  Tazzie came home with 3 Pre trials titles, a Novice Vehicles, Novice Interior and Novice Container....was too distracted first day and did not pass Exteriors.  Tara finished her Master Exterior title, Master Nosework title, a Pre Trial for Elite and got a Elite Vehicles title and Elite Container title....very happy with both girls and they both traveled very well!!

November 24, 2017 Tara completed her L1Exterior title in Orangevale (2nd out of 34 dogs!)

November 18, 2017 had two AWTA trials on my property (go to ground for terriers) and Tyrone completed Novice B and went on and completed Open, Tazzie had already completed her Novice B at a previous trial so completed Open and Certificate of Gameness.  Tara had a awesome day and is FIRST dog in AWTA to complete her Advanced Certificate of Gameness and was chosen as Top Performance Terrier....very proud of the terriers!!!

November 11, 2017 Tiago completed his NACSW Nosework 1 title in Orangevale....good boy!!

October 30, 2017 came to be one of my saddest days....I lost my beloved Tovah and vets can't tell me why.  I went to pick my granddaughter up from school and was gone 60 mins....all 4 Patterdales were in a chainlink paddock which they have gone in many times.  Came home to her almost non responsive, temperature of 105 and rushed to ER...they treated her for shock and lowered her temperature and said they wanted to keep her overnight to be sure she was stable....came home about 2 hrs. later and they called and said her heart stopped....have no idea why!  It has been heartbreaking; she was the sweetest dog and definitely following in her Mother's footsteps.  She will be greatly missed by many....RIP Tovah; I love you!!

October 22, 2017 had a fun weekend as Debbie and I went to Universal Studios and then Tovah competed in four Level 3 Interior trials....she did well and found all hides!!  Fun weekend!!  Now a little break in competitions until Tiago does his on November 11th!

 October 14, 2017 Tovah and I competed in NACSW Level 3 Nosework trial in Burbank....proud of Tovah even though we did not title....she found 9 out of 10 hides....we missed one on a vehicle but she did very well!

October 7 - 8, 2017 Took Tara and Nadia to Sierra Sniffing Dogs NACSW event.  Tara completed her Level 2 Container title and Nadia completed her Level 1 Interior title.  Each title consisted of four different searches....proud of both girls!

Sept 15-18, 2017  Flew to Portland, Oregon with Tiago and my friend Debbie to attend a UKC Nosework 1 trial.  Tiago's first trial and he did really well....3 minutes was allowed in all searches and all his times were under 1 minute and fastest was 10 a first, two thirds and a fourth out of 27 dogs...good boy!!!  Qualified for half his title!

Sept 9-11 2017 Flew to Minnesota with Tara to compete in NACSW Elite trial at a hockey arena and stayed with my good friends, Mark and Irina in Wisconsin....had a great time and trial was VERY challenging.  Tara picked up 66 more points so now needs about 36 points to get her Elite 1 title.  Placed 2nd in containers.....still working on reading her with those super high hides and the unaccessible ones!!  She also completed her Level 2 Interiors and  Level 2 Vehicles so now has 69 titles!!

July 27, 2017 Took all Patterdales to State Fair to try dock diving....they LOVED it.....each placed in their division...Tsu-nami also went and went to the Finals on Sunday and finished 4th...good girl!  I had a Andrew Ramsey seminar at my house Sunday so did not go back to dock diving Sunday.

July 22, 2017 Tovah and I went to NACSW Nosework trial in Creswell, Oregon....Tovah got her NACSW Nosework 3 of 7 dogs out of 30 who qualified....she did the trial very well; very proud of her!!!  Need two more qualifying Nosework 3 trial to get her Elite title!!

July 7, 2017 Tovah and I went to Vancouver WA to a UKC Nosework trial....Tovah finished her Superior Level and came home with 4 titles....onward to Masters!!

July 2, 2017 Tara and Tovah both qualified for their Novice Trick Dog titles and Tovah got a day!

June 25, 2017 Tara and I traveled to Grants Pass, OR because she was the last one on a wait list to get into a NACSW Elite trial on Sunday.....very good experience and 29 hides in four searches.....learned to "trust my dog" as she was correct on some that I did not call because they were 6 ft. high and she could not reach....can't wait to do another....alot of fun!!!!  She picked up 47 points toward her title....good girl!!!

June 17, 2017 Nadia competed in her first NACSW Nosework Level 2 trial in Weimar with tough 100+ degree weather and passed all four elements....she placed 9th out of 37 dogs....very happy with Nadia...she is the first Presa to qualify for the Nosework 2 title!!!....very very hot day!!

May 26 -28 2017  Well it was quite the experience traveling from Sacramento Airport to St. Louis, Missouri on the plane with 3 adults and 5 Patterdales to attend the Missouri Earth Dog event; I'm pretty sure the largest terrier event in the US.  Fun time except when we got evacuated for a tornado sighting!!  Because of weather could not do the Muskrat Racing which is Tara's favorite but pups had fun learning all the fun events.  Very proud of pups traveling and having to stay in Sherpa bags for about 9 hours!  Not our best year but had alot of fun!
Tara - Flat Racing 3rd, Hurdle Racing 2nd, Matched Pairs 1st Tara/Tovah.....Veteran Conformation 1st, Reserve Best Open Colored Bitch, Barn Hunt Veteran 5th, Flat Racing 4th (Sunday), Hurdles 2nd, Lure Coursing 4th and Thunder Tunnel Veteran 2nd
Tovah Matched Pairs 1st Tovah andTara
Carter Hurdle Racing 3rd, Matched Pairs Carter/Tyrone, Suitability to Coon 3rd, Open Conformation 2nd and Reserve Best Male, Flat Racing Sunday 4th, Hurdles 3rd and Lure Coursing 6th
Tyrone Matched Pairs Tyrone/Carter, Bred by Conformation 2nd, Hurdles 5th, Thunder Tunnel 3rd
Tazzie Bred by Conformation (bitch) 1st, Flat Racing 6th

May 21, 2017  Fun day for the Patterdales at the Terrier Derby....first experience at wearing muzzles, being put in a racing box and racing.....did really well for their first time and Tyrone was the fastest of the Patterdales....Mama Tara won the Veterans Best in Show and Best in Show.....some happy tired Patterdales on the way home!!

March 25, 2016 Tara and I attended the Sniffing Dog Sport trial in Orangevale.....container search, area search and distractions....Tara finished all three....2nd in distractions and 3rd in trial overall.....33 dogs.  She was in heat and had to wear panties and run last and was not concerned at all....good girl!!!

April 1, 2017 Tiago attended NACSW Odor Recognition Test....he had already passed Birch and Clove and only needed Anise....passed with flying to find a Nosework 1 trial for him!!!

March 25, 2017 Tara attended the Sniffing Dog Sport trial in Orangevale....she did well and placed 3rd overall in the Advanced level out of 29 dogs

 March 5, 2017 Tovah and I flew to Las Vegas to attend her first NACSW NW3 trial.....she did awesome despite 60 mph winds and unfortunately did not qualify in Exteriors.....wind, debris and dirt flying everywhere but she got a pronounced in Interiors and passed Vehicles and containers....she did very well for her first Level 3 and all the wind....good girl Tovah!!!

March 3. 2017  Tara and I attended the NACSW NW3 trial in Citrus Heights put on by Hautedawgs....AWESOME day!!  Tara was 1 of 7 dogs who completed the trial correctly and qualified for her third NACSW NW3 title and her Elite title....VERY VERY proud of Tara.

 February 18-19 2017 Tara and I went to UKC Trial in Auburn, Washington to compete in Master Nosework.  Tara qualified for her Master Container, Master Vehicle and Master Interior titles.  Sunday she was the only dog to complete all four elements correctly and got a First Place and a High in Trial....only needs 1 more Master Exterior to complete her Master Nosework title!!  Glad we have practiced in the rain!!

January 27-29, 2017:  Tara, Tovah and I went to a UKC Nosework trial in New Mexico.....awesome weekend despite 16 degree weather and wind.  Very proud of both girls as Tara came home with 4 High in Trials, and 5 new titles and Tovah also got a High in Trial and 3 new titles.....thanks Sue Olds-Best for working Tovah!!!

END OF 2016!!
December 16-19, 2016:  Tara, Tovah and I went to Hutto, Texas to compete in 8 trials each of nosework.....Tovah was very successful and obtained 5 titles despite trialing in pouring rain and many first place ribbons....Tara was off and decided it was more fun to hunt for critters and pee during the vehicle search so only came home with 1 title....her daughter is definitely showing her up!!!

December 11, 2016 Tazzie, Tyrone and Carter's first UKC conformation show in Elverta, CA.  Tazzie and Tyrone qualified for their Show Champion title....Carter's owner was not there and he was very silly!
November 12, 2016: Took Tara, Tovah and Tiago to race 200 yard sprint race in Dixon....they had so much fun.....Tiago won all three of his races despite gettting rammed by a competitor dog.  Tazi and Tyrone got to practice again....Both Tazi and Tyrone LOVE racing.

November 5, 2016:  Nadia attended a NACSW Odor Recognition and passed all three she can compete at NACSW trials!!

November 5, 2016:  Had a AWTA Go to Ground trial at my house.....I was not able to attend as I was at a NACSW Odor Recognition test with Nadia.  I had two friends who worked all my Patterdales....Tara and Tovah qualified for another leg toward their Certificate Class Advanced (Tara received a ....Tazi qualified for Novice A and worked the Open tunnel for only 45 secs of the needed 60 secs....very proud of her and Tyrone needs more practice.

October 15/16 2016:  Tara and Tovah attended a NACSW trial in Reno, Nevada.....both did well but Tara did not pass the NW3 because of my mistake.  One of the three interiors was a blank room and she did not alert on odor but was sniffing a distraction behind a chair and after the 30 sec call I incorrectly called "Alert" even though she was only sniffing and not alerting!!  She did well on the other elements....Tovah did well and passed NW2 and received her title and was 7th overall with 34 dogs....very proud of her; she has a great nose!!

April 5, 2016 Tiago and I flew out to Red Star Kennel....he is going to stay with Irina and will learn manners, obedience, some retrieves and possibly some was hard to leave him but it will be good for him and easier on my shoulders to have Irina do the work; besides she is a awesome trainer!

April 2, 2016 Tara and I went back to Centralia, WA to attend a NACSW Level 3 nosework trial.  Poor Tara is suffering from morning sickness....was sick when we first arrived, all day Saturday and on the way home....finally started feeling better Monday.....she passed 3 of the 4 elements and I messed up on the containers.....there was one odor which she alerted on and I was sure there must be more on a Level 3 and asked her to keep looking....she sniffed (but did not alert) a bag and I called it....she was correct and I was not but she got two nice Element ribbons for Interior and Vehicles.

March 20, 2016 Tiago attended his first NACSW Odor Recognition in Newcastle, CA....he took 3 tests and passed Birch and Clove; did not pass Anise....more work to do but happy he got what he can attend Level 1 Nosework trials

March 12 & 13, 2016:   Took Tara and Tovah to Auburn, Washington for a UKC Nosework trial.....conditions were crazy with 50 mph wind and rain to match!!  Tovah did complete her Novice Nosework title and got one leg toward her Advanced.  Tara completed her Advanced Nosework title and also got one leg toward Superior.....learned alot and I made some mistakes but definitely worth attending.

END OF 2015!

December 12 2015  Crazy rainy weather so UKC show was cancelled Sunday December 13th....Tsu took one Best of Breed and Tovah took the other Best of Breed.....all four Presa brothers were there and Atlas took Best of Breed and then Tyson took Best of Breed; proud of all of them!!  The boys were so good in the ring!

November 20-23 2015  Took Tara and Tovah to Hutto, Texas for 8 UKC Nosework trials....dogs had a blast despite very strong winds and some rain.  Tara took home PTN, PTA, PTS, AI, AV and AE titles and got 3 of 4 legs toward her Advanced Nosework title.....Tovah took home a PTN, PTA, PTS, NE, NC and NV and also got 3 of 4 legs toward her Novice Nosework title....lots of fun and very proud of these girls!!

August 22-23 2015 Attended UKC Conformation show at Gibson Ranch....Tovah took Best of Breed all four shows and got her Grand Champion title, Tiago took two Best of Breeds for Presas, Tyson took one Best of Breed and Brutus finished up with a Best of Breed....all dogs behaved beautifully!!

August 8 2015 Took Teja to Creswell, Oregon to compete in NACSW....she completed all four elements and obtained her NACSW NW1 title; first Presa to title with NACSW!

July 18, 2015 Tara trialed with NACSW and obtained her NW2 title....she had four elements; one container, one interior, one exterior and 4 vehicles....she does enjoy Nosework!

July 11, 2015 Tovah and I attended a Sporting Detection Dog Association trial in Santa Rosa....there were three elements; one container search, one interior search and a 3 vehicle search...Tovah did well with a new scent "Wintergreen" and obtained her title and a special (like pronounced) goes on the title since all three elements were passed on one day.  Very proud of Tovah!!

END OF 2014!
December 12-14 2014.....took Tovah and Tsu-nami to a UKC Conformation Show in Elverta....both girls finished their Champion title. Tovah took Breed 3 of the shows and Tsu took Breed 2 of the shows....enough to get on the Top 10 list!!

November 23, 2014....Tara, Tovah, Vila and Teja all competed in a Barn Hunt trial.....Tara was out of control and held on to the 4th rat tube and would not let go....had to spray vinegar in her mouth to get her off the rat tube :(  not good!!  Tovah did great and got one leg of her RATN (32 secs!)...Vila got a 1st in Open (her second qualifying leg) and High in Class and Teja got a 1st in Senior (her first qualifying leg) and a High in Class....very proud of the Presas!!!

November 22, 2014 An American Working Terrier Association trial was held at my house in the rain.  Tovah and Tara were two of three dogs that qualified.  It was Tovah's first go to ground trial and she received her Novice A title.  Tara received another Certificate of Gameness ( AWTA has a new level in which you must get 5 Certificate of Gameness for a Advanced title). Proud of the Patterdale girls!!

November 3, 2014 My beloved 10 month old Patterdale, Terror's Taz Maniac of Oakleaf, died of a Addison's crisis sympthoms.  He started vomiting Saturday night and again 4 am Sunday and 7 am Sunday....I ran him to emergency vet and they thought he was dehydrated and put him on a IV.....Sunday night he was not any better and his potassium, glucose and sodium was all out of wack and the IV was not stabilizing him.  Emergency vet decided to run a Addison's test on him early Monday afternoon and when I visited him....he was not any better and I was very worried.....I went home and vet called at 3 pm and said they thought he was failing and I needed to come back down.....he passed at 4 pm.....I was/am devastated....such a young pup with so much potential.....he was exactly what I hoped Tara and Mack would produce....he loved everyone and loved everything I showed him.  He was already a National Champion with the Patterdale Club, had received two Best in Show awards, a UKC Champion and three qualifying wins toward his Grand Champion title.  He loved to race and was ready to compete in Go to Ground, Barn Hunt and Nosework.....he was a awesome awesome boy and I miss him terribly......RIP My Taz .....many people loved you!!!

October 24-26, 2014   All three Patterdales attended Gateway Nationals at Gray Summit, Missouri.  There were six shows and Taz got Best of Breed at 3 shows and Tara got Best of Breed at two shows.....put Taz in first place for UKC Top 10 fun trip except my main reason to go was to race Tara and try and pick up some Grand Champion racing points.....she came in heat the first night we arrived in Missouri so no racing for her....I was very disappointed but the trip was fun and saw a lot of show buddies I don't often see!

September 27, 2014  Patterdale Nationals in Ruskin, Florida....took Tara, Taz and Tovah and they had a blast.  Lots of Patterdales and lots of fun.  Taz was PTCA National Champion and Best in Show and PTCA National Puppy Champion.  See their pages for all their placements.

August 23 & 24 2014....took Patterdale puppies to their first UKC show in Elverta, CA.    Awesome weekend for Taz as he got a Best in Show,  Four Best of Breed, Two Group 1, One Group 2 and One Group 3.  Tovah got two Best Female and Tsu got two Best Female.....very proud of the pups!!!  Also this put Taz as Number 3 on the UKC Top Ten List!!!

July 31, 2014  Tsunami attended her first Barn Hunt and got a qualifying leg......second trial end of August!!

May 25 - 27  2014....Awesome weekend in Gray Summit, Missouri with the Missouri Earthdogs....Tara received the Virtual Terrier Award (highest score for lure coursing, go to ground, barn hunt and the thunder tunnel).  It was the first year this was awarded and was too big to bring home.   She received the Champion Muskrat Racing Award, Champion Racing for both racing events for colored terriers, 1st place bitch Colored Terriers......we had so much fun and will definitely go back next year!

April 26 - 27, 2014.....Fun weekend in Lathrop.  Very proud of Tara....she received the remaining two qualifying legs of her Rally 2, one qualifying leg for her Rally 3 and a Total Dog award.  Unfortunately Nadia ran around the jump TWICE so did not get any qualifying scores for Obedience but she did get a Group 1 and a Best in Show....was hoping for a Total Dog also but since the obedience was a no score that didn't happen :(

March 21-23, 2014 - Crazy busy weekend....Tara qualified for her UWPCHX title, received her RATO with a first place and High in Trial, got two Best of Breed and two Total Dog awards.  Nadia finally finished her RATN title but because of a cut pad could not show or weightpull.  Teja pulled, got two Best of Breeds and her RATO title with two first place awards.  Vila got one leg in RATO.....very very good weekend!!

March 1 - 2, 2014 I attended a Barn Hunt event in Rancho Murietta.  Vila finished her RATN, Teja got a qualifying leg in Open, unfortunately Nadia peed twice on the hay bales :( and Tara received her second qualifying leg in Open.

END OF 2013!!
December 31, 2013 Tara had six puppies; all healthy and fat!!  Four girls and two boys.....Tara is getting fed 5 times a day and eating 30-35 oz. raw per day!!!!

November & December 2013..... I attended four Barn Hunt events with Tara, Vila, Teja and Nadia....all dogs received their RATI certificate, Tara and Teja got their RATN titles and went on to compete in RATO.  Teja was the first Presa to get the RATN title.  Nadia and Vila each need one more qualifying score to get their RATN titles

October 30 - November 5, 2013 Tara and I flew to Arizona and Tara was bred to CMC's Mighty Mack of Dodgion.....expecting puppies beginning of January 2014!

Oct 4-6 went to APBT Nationals in Ontario, addition to the Nationals there were 5 UKC conformation shows, weightpull and obedience.  Teja pulled 2300 lbs. on rail and won two Best of Breeds and a Group 1.  Vila finished her UCD and Tara got one leg of her Rally 2 and Nadia received three Best of Breed, two Group 1 and two Reserve Best in Show in addition to her Rally 1 title....very proud of the girls!!
June and July was spent going to Folsom Splash Dogs, Reno Splash Dogs and the California State Fair....Teja got her Novice Jumper and Ch Novice Jumper titles, Nadia got her Novice Jumper Title and CH Novice Jumper titles and Tara finished her Grand Champion Junior Jumper weather and the dogs enjoyed it!!
May 15, 16 & 17, 2013:  UKC show on my property....Tara picked up 40 more weightpull points toward her UWPCHX title....only 45 more to go!!!  She got Best of Breed two shows, Nadia received a Best in Show and two Best of Breed, Teja received a Best of Breed and Nico received a Best of Breed .
May 9, 10 & 11, 2013:  Tara and I flew to Virginia to compete in 6 conformation shows, 3 weightpulls and 12 terrier races.  Tara received 3 Group 1s and 3 Group 2s, received 55 pts. in weightpull towards her UWPCHX and pulled 35x her weight and completed her Flat Racing Championship and Steeple Racing but exhausting three days......Best part was when Tara received the Best Total Dog award!!!!!!!!!  Then drove to Maryland to check on some Presa stud dogs for 2 1/2 days.

April 27 & 28, 2013:  What a awesome fun weekend but exhausting!! Tara was the only dog to successfully complete the AWTA go to ground and qualified for the last leg of her (unofficial Den Dog II); she had the fastest time in the Rat Hunt....found 3 rats in 1.06 minutes......Nadia had a excellent weekend receiving 2 Best of Breeds, two Group 1s and her first Best in Show......time to relax this week especially since it is gonna be in 90s!! Thanks to Crystal Muller for showing Nadia since I can't run yet; she did a excellent job showing Nadia!

END OF 2012!
Nov. 11, 2012 was the All Breed Lure Racing in Roseville.  It was Nadia's first time to race and she had so much fun once she realized what it was all about.  Finished first in all three of her races!
Nov. 10, 2012 was the Splash Dog Nationals....cold day and cold water but Tara had a blast.  She finished 3rd with a 13 ft. 4" jump.....FUN Day!
Nov. 3 & 4, 2012 was a great weekend.  Four UKC conformation shows were held on my property and Nadia was "smokin hot".....she won four Best of Breeds, two Group 2, two Group 4, picked up 12 Top Ten points and finished her Grand Championship.  Two UKC Den Dog Trials were run and Tara was the only terrier to pass two Den Dog II.  We had lots of terriers and Tara received two more Certificate of Gameness!! 
Sept. 8 & 9, 2012 I attended a UKC show in Galt, CA.....first of all THANKS! to my friends who helped me and showed a couple of my dogs since I couldn't.  Vila won one Best of Breed and Nadia won three Best of Breeds and a Group 1 to give her 3 Grand Champion points.  She did very well; especially having to be shown by people she had never seen!
June 10, 2012 Tara and I attended the Splash Dogs Dock Diving event in Folsom, CA.  It was very hot and alot of dogs.  Tara jumped her personal best with Splash Dogs of 15 ft. 2 inches and she was the over all winner of the Lap Dog thing to do in almost 100 degree weather!
June 9, 2012 Tara and I attended the Small Dog Bonanza at Performance Dogs in Action in Pleasant Grove, CA.  Events included terrier racing (Tara won the race off), did go to ground and she completed four levels of Barn Hunt.  The final level consisted of finding four rats hidden in a large area; there was also rat bedding and empty cages.   She did find one of the rats in the Level 2; and killed the rat in the holding cage...GOOD girl!  She got to finish the day by Dock Diving at the event....FUN FUN day!!
April 28 & 29, 2012 I hosted a large UKC Conformation show, weight pull, rally, obedience, terrier races and a probationary Den Dog trial in addition to a American Working Terrier Den Trial.  We also had a West Coast Patterdale Regional.  There were ALOT of people and our club members and their dogs did very well! 
Nadia achieved her UKC Champion title, Vila finished her Rally 1 title and got a Best of Breed and a Group 3 with 6 Top Ten Points, Teja finished her Rally 1 title, and got two Best of Breeds and 12 Top Ten Points, Nico received a Best of Breed and 6 Top Ten Points.....Tara was the only terrier to complete the Den Dog 1 go to ground, and received the Top Performance Patterdale award 
END OF 2011! 
November 4, 2011 Teja had three puppies (that survived)......I have enjoyed the puppies so much and was sad to have them leave, but happy they have all gone to great homes and will be raw fed!
October 2011 Tara, Amy Peterson and I went to UKC Gateway Nationals in Gray Summit, Missouri and Tara obtained her UKC Super Dog Title after completing her CD, Rally and Agility titles (she already had her Conformation and Weightpull) proud of her and thanks to Amy for helping me trial Tara!
March 5, 2011 Tara and I went to Florida to attend the Patterdale Fest, about 45 Patterdales showed up, had fun participating in conformation, flat racing, steeple, racing, go to ground and a barn hunt.  Third time Tara received Champion of Champions, Champion Flat Racer, Champion Steeple Racer, Champion Go to Ground and Reserve Best in Show....had fun seeing Florida!! 
Nov. 6, 2010:  Took Vila and Teja to the SDA Trial in Oroville, CA.  Despite MANY errors on my part, proud to say both girls got their SDA Protection 1 titles.  Had to pass obedience and protection.
October 29-31, 2010:  Took Tara to UKC Gateway Nationals in Gray Summit, Missouri.  Tara had a blast and participated in 5 dock diving events.

Life is not measured by the number of breathes you take but by the number of moments that take your breath away!"

No Chained Dogs!!

I wish someone could tell me what it is that I've done wrong, Why I have to stay chained up and left alone so long.

They seemed so glad to have me when I came here as a pup. There were so many things we'd do while I was growing up.

They couldn't wait to train me as a companion and as friend. They told me they would never fear being left alone again.

The children said they'd feed me, said they'd brush me every day, they'd play with me and walk me, if only I could stay.

But now the family hasn't time. They often say I shed. They wont allow me in the house, not even to be fed.

The children never walk me. They always say, "Not Now!" I wish that I could please them. Won't someone tell me how?

All I have is love, you see, I wish they would explain, why they said they wanted me then left me on a chain.

 The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step



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